Muskingum County Auditor | Muskingum County, Ohio
Geographic Information Systems
Office Information

The Muskingum County GIS Office is located on the third floor of the Courthouse.
Office hours : Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (Closed all Legal Holidays)
Phone : 740-455-7116

Our Mission

To accurately map any and all features above, on, and below the ground that may lend support to better serve the people of Muskingum County.

What We Do

The Muskingum County GIS Department is the office responsible for updating and maintaining maps for county departments and public use. These duties include updating the digital tax maps (parcel layer), issuing new addresses for use with the E911 system, the inventory of county owned utilities, and creation of maps and data for use by any and all governmental agencies.

What is GIS

GIS or Geographic Information Systems, is a comprehensive mapping utility that allows the user to overlay many types of data. This overlapping of data lets us look at many different aspects of an area on one map, whereas in the past it would have taken many. The other main advantage to GIS is that it can hold limitless information on a point line of polygon, a database is linked to these features and at any time it can be queried using other features on the map or a common attribute that they all hold.


Standard Personalized Map Production

Map of a specific area with aerial photos, property & topographic information at any desired scale.

8 ½ x 11” $1.00
8 ½ x 14” $2.00
11 x 17” $5.00
18 x 24” C-Size $10.00 Lamination $2.00
24 x 36” D-Size $15.00 Lamination $4.00
30 x 42” E1-Size $20.00 Lamination $4.00
36 x 48” E-Size $25.00 Lamination $6.00
42 x 56” Atlas Size $30.00 Lamination $8.00

Lamination of any size (up to 48” Wide) at a rate of $2.00 per liner foot, minimum charge of $2.00. No objects will be laminated that were not produced by or for Muskingum County.

Digital Data Production

Any amount of information that can fit onto one of the following media types. Planometrics are stored as Shape Files, imagery is stored as tiled tiffs, and as a countywide Generation 3 MrSid.

16 GB Flashdrive $20.00

Large Datasets are available on an external hard drive, the price is the cost of the HD.
Due to security issues we are unable to publish data to any data storage device provided by the customer.

The prices above include any and all data that is available to the public to the extent of the disk's storage capacity. Any data that requires more than one disk will require the purchase of additional disks at the standard price.

Available Layers

Parcels Aerial Photos (DVD for Countywide, also available in tiles) Addresses
Topography 2' Intervals Administrative Boundary Townships
Section Quarter Zoning Fire Districts
Hydro (Rivers, Streams, Ponds, and Lakes) Flood Map Flood Way
Building Footprints Road Centerlines Schools
School Districts Polling Places Voting Precincts
Transportation Data (stop Signs, Yield, Flash, Etc.) Edge of Pavement Bridges & Culverts

Many other datasets are updated and maintained by the GIS Department. If there are any questions regarding availability of data, please feel free to email the Administrator at:, or call 740-455-7116.

Published Map File Production:

The GIS Department produces Published Map Files (PMF's) on DVDs that are available for purchase. The PMF is distributed with ArcReader, a free software that will allow the user to view and query the map. The cost per disk for a PMF is $20.00.

Oil and Gas Maps:

A comprehensive map package showing current leaseholds, releases, and mineral ownership is available for purchase for an individual property all the way up to a countywide set.